
it’s like i lost my P.I.C.

October 28, 2008

so, things are weird right now with cupcake boy.  i feel like we established a friendship, but i haven’t really heard from him in a while.  it’s weird, because i kinda saw him as my partner in crime (P.I.C.) in the big, bad world of autoimmune diseases.  maybe i thought we were closer than we are just because of our disabilities.

i called him last night just to see how he was doing.  anyone who knows me knows how MUCH i hate using the phone.  like, nothing causes me greater anxiety than picking up that phone and calling someone up to “chat.”  it’s awkward and weird, and having no other reason to call than to see how he was doing, i was anxious.  half the time, when i call, i hope it goes to voicemail.  the other half of the time, i hope desperately for the person to pick up.  it’s a battle between opposing worlds, really, and i’m never sure how i feel until one option wins out by default.

anyway, it went to voicemail.  i know he gets busy with work, but it’s weird to have a friendship with someone that involves voicemail tag and email messages/texts that are super short.

i think i mostly miss the way he made me feel when we hung out.  i felt smart, witty, fun, and gorgeous.  not that i don’t feel those to some level on a daily basis, but around him, it was heightened.  he’s just one of those super charismatic people who you want around you all the time.

maybe it was the fact that i felt normal when it was just us, because we are both broken.  whatever it is, i miss my friend.


old habits die hard – a hoarder’s tale

October 27, 2008

i’m one of five kids in my family. being the middle child has always been an easy role for me. by the time my younger brothers came along, i was sick of being the youngest child. however, living in a tiny house with five siblings, in the lower-to-middle class range, meant we had to hoard our goods if we didn’t want someone else to touch it/eat it/steal “borrow” it, etc.

this kind of hoarder behavior became almost a survival tactic. throughout our childhoods, my sisters and i would instinctively grab something our parents brought home (food, gifts, toys, new crayons – nothing was out of the question!) and stash it away like squirrels stashing nuts for the coming winter…or something.

it was only natural that when removed from my home setting, a place where i spent 18 years of my life, and into the first year of on-campus housing my freshman year, my vice-like grip on all things “mine” would need to be adjusted. i shared my snacks, i let my roommate borrow my art supplies, i was going strong. and then it happened.

i came back one night after a long day of classes, unlocked our door, and found my roommate on the floor, on MY side of the room, with MY (clean) pillow under her head, asleep on the (DIRTY!!) ground with the TV blaring. the tv normally faces her side of the room, since she was there more often than i was, so the fact that it was turned towards my side was odd already. but the fact that she was passed out for some reason, under my bed (my bed was raised so there was a good 3.5 feet under there), with my pillow under her head seemed to trigger some kind of primal instinct in me to go apeshit.

i get all territorial when it comes to my bed, especially when it comes to the cleanliness of my bed. i know it sounds crazy, but i don’t like it when people put their feet on my bed and they’re wearing the shoes they’ve been stomping around on all day, outside, on the dirty ground where they might have stepped on dog crap, gum, etc. i am a night shower kind of gal, and love getting all lotioned up and then slipping into nice, crisp, clean sheets and drifting off into peaceful sleep.

so my first instinct was to screech “what are you DOING?!” her eyes shot open, and she had a look of complete terror. i mean, i guess i DID startle her out of slumber, but hey, she was USING MY CLEAN PILLOW ON THE FLOOR!

she sits up, asking “what? what’s going on? what happened?”

“why the hell are you using my pillow when you have a perfectly good one on your bed?! and why are you on the FLOOR with it?!??!”



she gets up, guilty, and kind of brushes off my pillow and sets it BACK on my bed, thus enraging me even more! She did NOT just put my once-clean (but now disgusting) pillow back on my clean bed!  i spent a good 10 minutes incredulously firing questions at her, demanding to know why she would do such a thing.  her response?  a shrug, followed by “i didn’t think it was that big a deal.”

yes, i admit that it was crazy and neurotic and a tad overdramatic, but i was young and had lived 18 years of my life in a house where you had to claim your stake.  we made nice after that, but i always secretly arranged my pillows in a manner that would tip me off if she ever decided to pull a stunt like that again 🙂

anyway, that long story brings me to the reason for this post.  i thought that a good, solid 8 years after moving out of my parents’ house, i would have kicked my hoarding habits.  i’ve managed to share my belongings openly with people, even money.  i’m what some would describe as a “saver.”   you know, for those weird times when things happen like you need to replace all four tires on your car and you don’t have the money to pay for it?  i vowed that that would never be me.  as a child, i remember my dad being unemployed for a period, and that was the hardest time of my young life.  so i became this crazy avid saver, slowly building up my “money cushion.”  anyway, that just goes to show how open i am to sharing, since the money i earn is basically the closest thing to me i could offer to others, besides an internal organ.

but last night, i had a dream that one of my office-mates was in my office, using my computer and casually browsing through my files.  my personal files.  i went completely batshit crazy on him.  this guy has also been somewhat of a pain in my side since he’s one of those people who ALWAYS NEED ATTENTION.  i guess my persnickety attitude towards all things “mine” also include my validation of your actions.  i don’t give validation for you just being alive, and you should quit asking me to.  i unleashed my fury, demanding to know why he couldn’t use his own computer and getting more and more irate as he refused to leave my office.  he’s one of those guys who is optimistic, even when others are angry at him, and it’s infuriating.  why couldn’t he tell that my death glares were NOT friendly and that he should scat from my desk immediately?!

i woke up in such a rage and ready to spit fire…and then started laughing at myself.  why was i even dreaming about hoarding??  it was so random!  and yes, this co-worker is kind of annoying in a harmless way, but i doubt he’d ever loiter in my office without my being present.  it was just so absurd.

every once in a while, i’ll catch myself still doing hoard-ish things for no apparent reason besides the fact that old habits die hard.  the office is a prime place for my hoarding ways; there is always chocolate lying around.  i don’t even LIKE chocolate, but i’ll find myself sneaking that one mini snickers away from the pile and stowing it in my middle/food drawer, just in case i ever want it.


stage 5 clinger

October 23, 2008

due to the nature of my RA, you’d think i’d be a little more sympathetic to people who are needy.  well, i’m not.  in fact, i think because i’ve HAD to overcome so much on my own and still be SO independent that people who are over-clingy put me off.

i have this co-worker who CONSTANTLY needs validation for and a reaction to EVERY.SINGLE.THING they do.  it’s like those people who, during movies, look at you every two seconds to see your reaction before they react.  it’s awkward and uncomfortable to be “on” like that all the time.  i feel like they’re ALWAYS watching, waiting for me to be brilliant when, let’s face it, half the time my brilliant moments are no more than spastic outbursts. and it’s not just this co-worker who is needy, it’s a bunch of people around me right now.

the more i can sense their neediness, the more it makes me uncomfortable to be around them.  i wonder if other people get this way, as well?  yes, i understand the need to feel like i matter, but i don’t go looking for that in every single interaction i have.  that’s just greedy!


why i don’t do drugs

October 20, 2008

it has been a LONG time since i’ve had to pull an all-nighter.  i am now going on 24 hours+ of no sleep, and it’s quite odd.

for some reason, when i am sleep-deprived, i get paranoid.  the more stressful the reason i’m not sleeping, the stronger the paranoia.  one time, back in college when i lived on campus and shared a bathroom with 7 other girls, i stayed up all night writing a 15 page paper and went to take a shower around 4:30am to try to wake up, and i SWORE something kept walking into the bathroom.  of COURSE nobody was up, but my brain refused to believe it.  i would shut my eyes to rinse my hair for a second, and then they’d fly open; i was sure that someone was about to pull the curtain open and take a picture or something.

another time i was sleep-deprived and all alone in my apartment, and when i went to shut my room door, i felt the door spring back towards me, as if someone pushed it towards me and i freaked out and ran the other way.  turns out it was just my sneaker caught in the doorway that prevented it from closing 😳

this is why i know i can’t do drugs.  i feel like i would just be a paranoid ball, curled up in the corner of the closet clutching a baseball bat and wearing a metal collander on my head to protect me from whatever was coming for me.


4 in the morn

October 20, 2008

a few notes as i sit here, dutifully trying to get my sh*t together for a HUGE deadline tomorrow:

-never have i EVER felt like i was on a race against the clock as i do right now.  it’s so daunting, this far-out notion of not succeeding.

-who the heck takes their trash out to the curb at 4am??  it’s so loud and annoying with the wheels crunching over loose bits of gravel

-my body is slowly giving out, begging me to lay down and shut my eyes…