Posts Tagged ‘travel clinic’


i should join the circus since i’ve now learned how to jump through rings of fire

October 31, 2008

i’m so sick of the healthcare system in the U.S. i’m STLL uncertain as to whether or not I can get the vaccines I need. i called my specialist and primary care phys about 70 times now, and neither one can give me anything more than “uhhh, yeah…i dunno.”

i finally got directed to a travel clinic after about 10 calls (seems straightforward, right? but not ONE person could tell me to call there until an undisclosed amount of pestering on my part), but the travel clinic hasn’t given me a call back yet. i asked the lady who answered the phone if they had the non-live vaccines for typhoid and hep a, to which she said “yes, we carry them here.” so since i ASKED about non-live versions, you’d think she’s understand that i NEED the non-live versions. right?


so i asked her “since i’m on methotrexate, i can receive the non-live forms there, correct?” and this apparently is when she decides to open her ears.

“you’re on methotrexate? then you need to ask your doctor what to do if you can’t get immunizations”

so i reply (just a littttttle bit snappy) “i did. they said absolutely no live vaccines, but i know there’s a non-live version of hep a and typhoid. you just said you carry them”

“well what did they tell you?”

at this point i’m thinking, is there a delayed response in her understanding me? does it take two or more times of repetition before she UNDERSTANDS what i’m asking?? so i grit my teeth and say “well, they said i can not, absolutely not, have live vaccines.  which is why i was wondering if you carried non-live vaccines”


she says “i’m not sure i’m following…:”

at this point i’m ready to scream, cry, or punch a hole through a wall.  i had also been up late writing a paper, so i was even more enraged that people who are PAID to know things about their workplace DON’T know them.

will the saga never end?  sorry for the upset post, i’m just so frustrated with it all!!!!  I literally spent about 4 hours on the phone today, trying to chase down answers that nobody wants to give me.  AUGH!